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Bolthouse Farms Challenges America to get the Internet Healthy


Here at Bolthouse Farms, we love our fruits and vegetables and often share our favorite fruits and veggies on social media. But just because we post our veggie obsession online, we wondered if others are doing the same. What food images are people sharing on social media? We were determined to find out.

Last year we took a journey to track the health of the Internet. We found that an average, there were more than 1.7 Million food hashtags used each day. Of those hashtags, only 37% were of fruits and veggies. Only 37%! The remaining hashtags were composed of foods like bacon, pizza and donuts. We think that it’s time to shift the imbalance and put fruit and veggies in the spotlight in social media. By changing the foods we are posting online, we believe we can inspire healthier eating habits offline.

Starting March 2,, 2015, we challenge you to participate in the “Fruit and Veggie Takeover” for one week to help us reach the goal of 1 million “healthy” images per day by posting and tagging fruit and veggies. Together, we can take over the internet with fresh images that celebrate fruits and vegetables. To make every post count, use #urwhatupost as well as specific fruit and veggie hashtags like #carrot, #veggies, #berries. For a full list of healthy hashtags visit  

Let’s start a fruit and veggie social revolution! Are you in?
