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Improving the Health of Young People in Our Hometown



During this season of giving thanks, we are pleased to share the results from year three of the Campbell Healthy Communities program. With our partner organizations, we continued to advance efforts in four strategic areas focused on ensuring access to affordable and fresh foods; increasing physical activity in a safe environment; supporting healthy lifestyles through nutrition education and partnering with the community to advance positive social change. Year three results include:


In September 2014, Campbell extended the program to other communities where we operate by launching Campbell Healthy Communities Henry County, in Napoleon, Ohio, home of Campbell’s largest manufacturing plant. Campbell Healthy Communities was also used as a framework for advancing the effectiveness of health and wellness programs across the food industry. Additional details of the program are reported in the Campbell Healthy Communities Annual Report.

Through the Campbell Healthy Communities program we continue to support our community’s children and families in attaining healthier lifestyles. We know the communities where we operate rely on us to help them thrive and this program demonstrates our commitment to what matters.
