Campbell Was the Presenting Sponsor of the 12th Annual March of Dimes Signature Chef EventCAMDEN, N.J., Nov 12, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Campbell Soup Company (NYSE:CPB) North America Foodservice was the Presenting Sponsor of the 12th Annual March of Dimes Signature Chef Event, which raised $198,000 for the March of Dimes. All funds raised will support research, education, community services and advocacy programs dedicated to improving the health of babies.
“The March of Dimes is devoted to improving the health of babies, and Campbell’s mission is to nourish people’s lives everywhere, every day,” said Sean Connolly, President-North America Foodservice, Campbell Soup Company. “We’re proud to leverage our culinary credentials to support this important organization.”
Campbell’s sponsorship included a unique culinary auction package, which raised $2,400. A patron and a guest will have the opportunity to be “Signature Chefs” at Campbell’s World Headquarters for a day, during which they will make their own signature soup in Campbell’s Research and Development facility. The package also includes:
— A private cooking lesson with Campbell Foodservice chefs at World Headquarters;
— The opportunity to ask a Campbell Foodservice chef culinary advice throughout the year; and
— A year’s supply of restaurant-quality soup. Installments of the soup will be delivered to the patron’s house once a month.
At the event, Campbell Foodservice Executive Chefs Tom Frain, David White and Mark Fitch joined other chefs from 20 of Philadelphia’s premier restaurants, including Jennifer Carroll from 10 Arts by Eric Ripert, Rosario Romano from Ristorante Panorama, Bruce Giardino from Continental Midtown, and Andrew Masciangelo from Savona. Approximately 500 guests attended the event, in which Campbell chefs prepared innovative culinary fare featuring Campbell Foodservice products, including Radical Braised Short Ribs with StockPot Radical Vegetable soup and Cheddar Polenta, Bayside Crab Bisque with Mini Crab Cakes, and Meatball “March of Dimes” Marinara Sliders with Pepperidge Farm buns, caramelized onions and fontina cheese.
About Campbell Foodservice
Since 1965, Campbell’s North America Foodservice division has been a trusted food service partner, committed to providing restaurants, schools and institutions with great-tasting, nutritionally balanced products. These include Campbell’s(R) Restaurant Quality(TM) soups, Campbell’s(R) Well & Good(R) soups, V8(R) soups and entrees, V8(R) beverages, Pace(R) and Prego(R) sauces, and Pepperidge Farm(R) snacks.
About Campbell Soup Company
Campbell Soup Company is a global manufacturer and marketer of high-quality foods and simple meals, including soup, baked snacks, and healthy beverages. Founded in 1869, the company has a portfolio of market-leading brands, including “Campbell’s,” “Pepperidge Farm,” “Arnott’s,” and “V8.” For more information on the company, visit Campbell’s website at
SOURCE: Campbell Soup Company
Campbell Soup Company Sheri Oppenheimer, 856-968-4363