CAMDEN, N.J., Oct 10, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Campbell Soup Company (NYSE:CPB) today announced the nominations of Randall W. Larrimore and David C. Patterson for election to its board of directors at the company’s annual meeting of shareowners, which will be held on November 22, 2002.
Larrimore succeeds Alva A. App and Patterson succeeds Charles H. Mott. App and Mott will retire from the board in November, having reached the mandatory retirement age of 70.
Larrimore, 55, is president and chief executive officer of United Stationers Inc., a $4 billion wholesale distributor of business products. He has a long and successful career in consumer products, and has held a variety of leadership positions in American Brands, Inc. (now called Fortune Brands), Beatrice Company (which was acquired by American Brands), PepsiCo, Inc. and Vick Chemical Company. He also consulted for consumer products companies when he was with McKinsey & Company. In addition to United Stationers, he is a member of the board of directors of Olin Corporation. Larrimore received a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Swarthmore College and earned his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School in 1971.
Patterson, 54, is founder and chairman of Brandywine Trust Company, a privately held firm that provides fiduciary, investment advisory, custodial and accounting services to private investors. He is a former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York and served as a law clerk to Justice Harry A. Blackmun of the United States Supreme Court. He also worked as a business affairs director at Handmade Films Ltd. & EuroAtlantic, Ltd., a music publishing and film production business in London. Patterson earned a B.A in history from Harvard College in 1970 and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1974.
“Randy offers outstanding leadership and broad experience in the consumer goods industry and David’s background includes a valuable blend of legal and investment management skills,” said Campbell Chairman George M. Sherman. “I am looking forward to the wealth of knowledge and experience that they will bring to our board as we continue to build the business.”
App joined the Campbell board in 1986 and Mott joined in 1990. “As a skilled scientist and experienced international executive, Al has provided a valuable perspective to our board discussions, and Charlie is a talented and highly effective leader in evaluating investment, finance and pension issues. We thank them for their contributions and their many years of dedicated service to the Campbell Soup Company,” said Sherman.
With these changes, the Campbell board remains at 16 members. About Campbell Soup Company
CONTACT: Campbell Soup Company, Camden Michelle Davidson (media) (856) 968-4390 or Leonard Griehs (analysts) (856) 342-6428