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Second-Grader Creates New Verse To Classic M’m! M’m! Good! Jingle

Press Releases

Campbell’s Labels For Education Rewards Student’s School with Music Equipment

North Salem, Ind. (April 24, 2001) — Teri Lauren Crouch, 8, received some M’m! M’m! Good! news today when she was announced as the grand prize winner of the Campbell’s Labels For Education School Music Contest for creating a NEW verse for the famous advertising jingle.
Crouch’s winning words beat out more than 4,000 entries from schools nationwide. For this honor she wins $10,000 in musical instruments and other merchandise for her school, North Salem Elementary in North Salem, Ind.

First introduced in a 1931 advertising campaign, the M’m! M’m! Good! jingle has remained unchanged for 70 years. Last fall it made a comeback and currently is featured in Campbell’s radio and television advertisements. Campbell selected Crouch’s entry for her creative addition to the jingle. The original and new verses are:

M’m! M’m! Good!
M’m! M’m! Good!
That’s what Campbell’s Soups are
M’m! M’m! Good!

Quick to heat!
Great to eat!
That’s why Campbell’s Soups are
Such a treat!

“We’re excited to honor Teri and North Salem Elementary with musical instruments,” said Anne Pizarro, program director of Campbell’s Labels For Education. “Music and art needs often are cut from tight school budgets and the Campbell’s Labels For Education program is an excellent way for schools to receive free equipment simply by collecting our products’ labels.”

To the Tune of…
North Salem Elementary is ending the school year on a high note. In addition to the honor of having a student who created the winning verse, the school receives prizes valued at $10,000, including a full-size piano, one trumpet, three flutes, two clarinets and a 100,000 bonus label certificate redeemable for next year’s Labels For Education program.

“Our school has been involved with Labels For Education for about 20 years and we’re thrilled that Teri was chosen as the winner of the jingle contest,” said James Coon, principal at North Salem Elementary. “Now, we have brand new instruments for the music program thanks to Campbell.”

The school and Crouch were presented with the instruments and bonus labels during an all-school assembly today. The Campbell Kids delivered and unveiled the musical instruments and joined the school in a sing-along with the band as it played the new version of the jingle. Of course, Campbell also treated the school to a soup lunch.

Since 1973, more than 80,000 schools and organizations have received more than $90 million of free educational equipment through the Campbell’s Labels For Education program. In addition to hundreds of items such as computers and educational software, sports equipment and even 15-passenger vans, the 2001-2002 Labels For Education program will offer musical instruments.

It’s not too late to participate in this year’s Labels For Education program which runs until June 1, 2001. To register your school, call 1-800-424-5331, visit, or write to Campbell’s Labels For Education, P.O. Box 3130, Grand Rapids, Minn. 55745-3130.

Press Releases