We know that the small choices we make every day—from how our ingredients are farmed to the packaging we use—add up to make a big difference over time. Learn more about where we stand on important issues like ingredients, non-BPA packaging, and GMOs.
Although we have significantly reduced our use of the ingredient in recent years, we do use high fructose corn syrup when it is right for the recipe, mostly to help deliver a smoother texture than other sugars can provide, or to keep the cost of a product affordable.
Many people have told us they would prefer to avoid high fructose corn syrup, which is why we will continue to move away from using it in new products we launch and explore opportunities to remove it from certain existing products. More than 80% of the products we offer for retail sale in the United States do not contain high fructose corn syrup including Campbell’s Sauces, Campbell’s Homestyle soup, Swanson broth, Prego Italian sauces and Slow Kettle Style soups.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the sodium salt of a common amino acid. MSG occurs naturally in many foods, such as tomatoes and cheeses. It has been used safely as a seasoning in cooking for more than 100 years. It adds a savory or umami flavor and when used in conjunction with salt it creates a clean savory taste.
MSG is lower in sodium compared with table salt (sodium chloride). It contains only 13% sodium compared to 39% sodium in table salt. This means a small amount of MSG can be used instead of salt to create an appealing savory flavor. This is particularly useful when making great tasting foods which have reduced sodium and fat.